Discovering Asbestos or Lead in your property, either from routine maintenance or just by chance, is an emergency. Due to severe potential health risks, both Asbestos and Lead need to be handled with the utmost professionalism and urgency. Due to its hazardous nature and government regulations, Asbestos and Lead removal in Southern California is an intricate process, from inspections, testing, and properly disposing of the dangerous materials. The smartest move when it comes to asbestos is calling the experts.
Our experienced staff works in hazardous conditions daily. Regulatory agencies mandate continuous and updated training to ensure a safe and compliant outcome. Our experience working with environmental services enables us to provide realistic solutions that mitigate the danger of hazardous materials.
Discovering Asbestos or Lead in your property, either from routine maintenance or just by chance, is an emergency. Due to severe potential health risks, both Asbestos and Lead need to be handled with the utmost professionalism and urgency. Due to its hazardous nature and government regulations, Asbestos and Lead removal in Southern California is an intricate process, from inspections, testing, and properly disposing of the dangerous materials. The smartest move when it comes to asbestos is calling the experts.
Why is Asbestos Exposure Dangerous?
Asbestos fibers get into the air when materials containing the minerals are damaged, disturbed, crushed, or removed unsafely. When asbestos is destroyed, it breaks into fibers too small to see, feel, or taste. Therefore, no immediate signs of contact will take place. The problem with asbestos fibers is the double-helix shape of the fibers that remain in the lungs, which poses the potential risk for lung cancer, asbestosis (a scarring of the lung tissue), and mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lung cavity). The most alarming fact about an asbestos-related illness is a latency period where you can experience zero symptoms for several years.
What to Expect?
During the Asbestos Abatement Process
1) Containment
We set up a highly regulated work area, sealing air ducts, disabling HVAC systems, setting up negative air pressure equipment, and covering surfaces not treated for asbestos. This is done to prevent any asbestos fibers from escaping the area.
2) Removal
Using abatement suits and personal air monitoring equipment, our team will manually remove the asbestos-containing materials, sealing them in special asbestos disposal bags. Finally, we dispose of the waste according to government and safety regulations.
3) Cleaning
All surfaces are wet wiped, and HEPA vacuumed to ensure any lingering asbestos particles in the air are removed. We take air and surface samples and test them independently before removing our containment barriers and allowing occupants to return.
Why is Lead Exposure Dangerous?
Exposure to lead is dangerous because this heavy metal is a toxin that can cause severe health problems and death at high levels of exposure. Unfortunately, humans have been working with Lead for centuries and giving themselves lead poisoning at the same time due to a lack of understanding about the risks of lead exposure. While Lead has been recognized as dangerous for quite some time, it was only in the 20th century that the issue was fully understood, and people started taking steps to reduce lead exposure for safety.
What to Expect?
During the Lead Abatement Process
1) Removal
A variety of techniques are available, including abrasion and removal. Each incorporates special controls to guard against the spread of lead dust or fumes during the process. Disposal is accomplished in full accordance with all regulations.
2) Stabilization
In some cases, stabilization provides an equally effective and less costly alternative to removal. Encapsulating coatings are available for both interior and exterior surfaces. They provide high resistance to weathering, vapor transmission, abrasion, and fire.
3) Turnkey
After stripping operations, we repaint surfaces and replace any removed lead-painted components like doors, windows, and casework. This provides a one-contract turnkey operation.