Our experienced staff works in hazardous conditions daily. Regulatory agencies mandate continuous and updated training to ensure a safe and compliant outcome. Precision Environmental has over 40 years of experience performing Asbestos Abatement, which enables us to provide realistic solutions that mitigate the danger of hazardous materials.
Following industry standards, Precision Environmental professionals assess each environmental situation before creating a plan to remove and rebuild any property type. In addition, our environmental remediation experts come equipped with all the best industry technology to diagnose your situation correctly.
Discovering Asbestos in your property, either from routine maintenance or just by chance, is an emergency. Due to severe potential health risks, both Asbestos and Lead need to be handled with the utmost professionalism and urgency. Due to its hazardous nature and government regulations, Asbestos removal in Southern California is an intricate process, from inspections, testing, and properly disposing of the dangerous materials.
Reasons for testing a structure for Asbestos
Although asbestos-containing products are generally safe when left undisturbed, they become brittle over time and can crumble. But the popularity of (DIY) projects has heightened possible asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure happens when microscopic asbestos fibers become airborne. The toxic mineral dust can remain in the air for hours, placing anyone nearby in danger of inhaling or ingesting it. In an ideal environment with minor disturbances, it may take 48 to 72 hours for asbestos fibers to settle. However, if the dust is disturbed, it can quickly become airborne again because it is so light. As a result, most people are exposed through their occupations. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in thousands of domestic, commercial, and industrial products.
- Remodeling Projects
- Natural or Manmade Disasters Disturbed a Building’s Structure
- Crumbled, Worn or Broken Asbestos-Containing Materials Found in a Building
What to expect? During the Asbestos Abatement process
Containment: We set up a highly regulated work area, sealing air ducts, disabling HVAC systems, setting up negative air pressure equipment, and covering surfaces not treated for asbestos. This is done to prevent any asbestos fibers from escaping the area.
Removal: Using abatement suits and personal air monitoring equipment, our team will manually remove the asbestos-containing materials, sealing them in special asbestos disposal bags. Finally, we dispose of the waste according to government and safety regulations.
Cleaning: All surfaces are wet wiped, and HEPA vacuumed to ensure any lingering asbestos particles in the air are removed. We take air and surface samples and test them independently before removing our containment barriers and allowing occupants to return.
Where are some common locations asbestos is found?
Common locations where asbestos is found include:
- Roofing shingles
- Siding
- Insulation
- Textured Paint
- Patching compounds
- Gas fireplace components
- Millboard or cement sheets in the walls and floors
- Tape or blankets used to cover hot water or steam pipes
What are some of the dangers of having Asbestos in your building?
Some of the biggest health problems associated with asbestos are:
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
- Lung Cancer
Asbestos Basics
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals made up of heat-resistant fibers. It was used in thousands of U.S. consumer products before the dangers of asbestos were known. Asbestos is regulated in the U.S. but not banned. Asbestos is regulated in the U.S. but not banned. Asbestos imports have fluctuated, but there has been an upward trend in recent years. In 2020, the U.S. imported nearly double the amount of asbestos compared to 2019.
Asbestos was widely used in construction as an effective insulator, and it can be added to cloth, paper, cement, plastic, and other materials to make them stronger. But when asbestos dust is inhaled or ingested, the fibers can become permanently trapped in the body. Over decades, tangled asbestos fibers can cause inflammation, scarring, and genetic damage. Asbestos exposure can cause cancer and other health conditions. For example, a rare and aggressive cancer called mesothelioma is almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos also causes a progressive lung disease called asbestosis. The carcinogenic qualities of the mineral are what make asbestos dangerous.